1 Chronicles 29:14
But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.
Thoughts on Today’s Verse
This verse reflects David’s deep humility and understanding of God’s sovereignty.
David acknowledges his own insignificance in comparison to God’s greatness. Despite his role as king, he recognizes that everything he and his people have comes from God.
It also expresses gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to the building of the temple. He sees the act of giving as a privilege granted by God rather than something to boast about.
Moreover, it acknowledges that the resources they offer to God already belong to Him. This underscores the concept of stewardship – recognizing that all we have ultimately belongs to God, and we are called to manage it faithfully.
Lastly, David notes that the offering is given willingly. It’s not done out of obligation or compulsion but out of a genuine desire to honor and worship God.
In essence, 1 Chronicles 29:14 teaches us about humility, gratitude, stewardship, and willingness in our relationship with God. It reminds us that everything we have is a gift from Him, and our response should be one of gratitude, humility, and willingness to use what He has given us for His glory.
Today’s Prayer
Heavenly Father, we come before you in prayer, like David, we acknowledge that everything we have comes from you. You are the source of every blessing, every provision, and every good thing in our lives.
Lord, we are humbled by your generosity and grace towards us. We recognize that we are but stewards of the resources and talents you have entrusted to us. Help us to be faithful stewards, using all that you have given us for the advancement of your kingdom and the glory of your name.
Forgive us, Lord, for the times when we have been selfish or greedy, failing to recognize your ownership over all that we possess. Teach us to have hearts of gratitude and generosity, freely giving back to you out of the abundance you have provided.
May our giving be done willingly and joyfully, as an expression of our love and devotion to you. May it bring honor and glory to your name and further your purposes in the world.
Lord, we thank you for the privilege of partnering with you in your work. May we be faithful in using our resources, time, and talents to bless others and to make a difference in the lives of those around us.
We offer this prayer in Jesus’ name, who gave everything for us, showing us the ultimate example of selfless love and sacrifice.
Author: Cherie Hill
Hope and Comfort to Strengthen Your Walk of Faith
Author: Lysa TerKeurst
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